You might be knowing old wine glasses are a new cool way to decorate your homes. I am going to so you some cool tips for cutting your old wine glasses and decorate them at your home.This way you don't have to buy it from out side you can do it your self.


  • Bottle 
  • Cotton string or fabric string that absorves liquids
  • Acetone
  •  A container with cold water.
  • Hand gloves
  • Sand paper

  1. Get a string & wrap it around to bottle tie it to the bottle & cut off the ends.
  2. Take off the string & soak it in acetone. put it back on the bottle, preferably on the line that looks like a point where the glass is joined or a point where the glass starts to joint.
  3. Put on the hand gloves for safety unless u might end up hurting your self.
  4. Light up the string & spin the bottle until most of acetone has burned.
  5. Drop the bottle in cold water.
  6. After cutting rub a sand paper to the cutting edge for a smooth & finish look.

  • Bottle 
  • Duck tape or any other tape as long as long as your bottle could fit in the middle.
  • Glass cutter
  • Candle
  • Ice 
  • Sand paper

  1. Place your bottle inside the duck tape. The duck tape would serve as a guide when you start cutting the bottle as well as a base for your hand.
  2. Point your glass cutter towards the bottle & gently rotate the bottle creating a line. Do this until the both lines meet.
  3. Heat it up on a candle by rotating the bottle specifically where the line was created by the glass cutter then get an ice cube & rub it to the line around the bottle.
  4. Repeat the process until the bottle splits into two.
  5. After the cutting the bottle rub it in a sand paper to get that finish look.

  • Bottle 
  • Bottle cutter
  • Candle 
  • Ice
  • Sand paper
  1. Adjust the cutting point & place the bottle in center & turn it towards you until a crunching sound comes.
  2. Heat the scoring line on the candle & cool it down with ice.
  3. Repeat this step until the bottle splits in half.
  4. Rub the cutting end on the sand paper for the finish look.

  5. And many more....


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